Omu Gnom, Limpede (In a Clear Mind)
We are the descendants of a holy People from this land
From a culture that you would not discover too soon
Whith glowing lies they want to replace your past
But in vain you wear thick clothing if you are empty inside
An easy confusion like faded music of old times
Each of them should be dismissed like Russos
Like debris carried away
From a building site for good
And to the government we apply a reshuffled code of good things
It’s about a supreme awakening, a soul with love and peace
Not with a gun under your pillow
So that want us to be slaves in our land, that’s clear
But in the end everything returns to where it all began
Yes, just like Magellan
The present bring us the past for the future
Romania is like a human being, to know himself he needs to look inside his soul
They forged our history with great abjection
And of course it is just shit if they are made up
I want to bring you a little sunshine,
I don’t want to lie to you now because I will be force to lie to you all the time
Research, study, represent yourself
In these cloudy times we need clear thinking
Here we have a high-level family business
with orders coming from Mother Russia and Uncle Sam
we witness a world parada
where money/ice disappears due to global warming
It is a treasure hunt and you are caught-in without knowing how
And I can tell you when there is cheese even sandwiches are better
Yes, as stingy as you may be, don’t venerate money too much
Because of that you may risk to be left like Bugs Bunny with a carrot in your mouth
There are also other important values to pursue
and don’t be stupid just because that is the easiest way to learn
Each of us is endowed with infinite powers
Yes, you know this is a paradoxical time
when it is difficult to be simple
I studied I am informed and prepared for the cause
It’s amazing how much you can find if you know what to search for
Really, stay tuned as we represent resistance in our country and national self-confidence grows
Translated by Lucia Massacesi
Original Lyrics:
Suntem urmasii unui popor sfant de pe acest pamant
Al unei culturi pe care vor sa n-o descoperi prea curand
Cu minciuni stralucitoare vor sa-ti inlocuiasca trecutul
Dar degeaba te imbraci gros daca esti gol pe dinauntru
Confuzie usoara ca muzica de odinioara, apusa
Ar trebui fiecare dintre ei sa fie demis ca Rusos
Si-asa cara moloz
Sa-i ducem pe bune pe santier
Si guvernului sa-i aplicam codului bunelor remanieri
E vorba despre trezirea suprema, cu dragoste-n suflet si pace
Nu cu pistolul sub perna
Ca ne vor sclavi pe pamantul nostru asta e clar
Insa la final totul se intoarce de unde a plecat
Da’ altfel ca Magelan
Prezentul ne readuce trecutul pentru viitor
Romania e ca un om sa se cunoasca tre’ sa priveasca in interior
Ne-au falsificat istoria cu mizerie multa
Si logic ca sunt doar c******i daca ei le scot din burta
Vreau sa-ti aduc putin soare,
Nu vreau sa te mint ca voi fi fortat sa te mint in continuare
Cerceteaza, studiaza, reprezinta-te
In aceste vremuri tulburi tre sa gandim limpede
Aici e o afacere de familie de rang inalt
cu ordine de la mama rusie si unchiul sam
suntem martorii unei parade mondiale
unde banii gheata dispar din cauza incalzirii globale
e o vanatoare de hartii si esti prins fara sa stii cum
si recunosc cand ai cascaval, si sandvich-u-i mai bun
da oricat de avar ai fi nu venera mereu banii
ca risti pt ei sa stai cu morcovu in gura ca bugs bunny
sunt si alte valori mai importante de urmat
si nu fi prost doar pt ca-i drumul cel mai usor de invatat
fiecare dintre noi e inzestrat cu infinite puteri
da stii tu e paradoxal timpu
si e complicat sa fie simplu
am studiat sunt informat pregatit pt cauza
e uimitor cate poti sa gasesti daca stii ce cauti
zau, mereu la curent ramai panou cand in tara
reprezentam rezistenta cand sare siguranta nationala
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